
3 Ways Star Plastics + LATI Deliver a Competitive Advantage

At Star Plastics, partnerships power our commitment to our customers’ evolving needs—including market reach, innovation, and sustainability. That’s why we’ve joined forces with LATI, a European manufacturer of engineering thermoplastics with deep roots in the industry. Together, we’re delivering a richer material offering—including a full range of amorphous and semi-crystalline products—that supports more innovative applications.

Here are three ways this powerful partnership is delivering a competitive advantage to both Star and LATI customers:


1. Semi-crystalline & amorphous materials under one roof

By combining our strengths and expertise, Star and LATI have created a global distributor-compounder alliance that offers a range of materials and technical capabilities that few companies can rival.

LATI is an independent compounder with the widest range of products in Europe. It boasts a global reputation for self-extinguishing compounds and expert technical service in the development of customized specialty products. LATI brings more than 75 years of experience in engineering thermoplastic compounds with a focus on high-performance semi-crystalline products.

Star has been a trusted custom compounder in the plastics industry for 35 years. We’re known for quality products, lot-to-lot consistency, and our full-service labs. The Star portfolio of engineering-grade materials showcases our expertise in amorphous products.

Now, the Star-LATI partnership delivers a full product offering of both semi-crystalline and amorphous materials, backed by Star’s extensive quality testing, quick and reliable turnaround, and custom color matching.


2. Enhanced selection of UL-recognized products

UL recognition is key to the markets Star and LATI serve, including electrical and electronics, automotive, appliances, and lighting. Together, we’re delivering an enhanced offering to meet our customers’ strictest performance requirements.

Star holds more than 140 UL cards in PC, ABS, PC/ABS, and other materials, while LATI’s deep offering of nylons, olefins, and PBTs includes more than 150 UL-approved materials developed on semi-crystalline polymers. The company’s flame-retardant materials include approvals for flame and glow wire resistance, outdoors tests, and thermal index—even on thin wall thicknesses.


3. An expanded offering of sustainable products

Both LATI and Star are steeped in a long tradition of sustainability. During the Second World War, LATI collected and dissembled plastic parts to repurpose waste. Star’s parent company, SDR Plastics, Inc., was founded in 1988 as a post-industrial recycling company. Our legacy of sustainability continues with reNova™, Star’s line of recycled-content resins and LATI’s LATIECO and LATIGEA lines of sustainable and bio-based compounds.

Our reNova line offers pre- and post-consumer options with UL-recognition and custom color products to help our customers meet their sustainability needs. And now, these products are available to LATI customers in both North America and Asia.

Whether they’re located in Europe, North America, or Asia, our customers can now create global specifications. Most importantly, the Star-LATI partnership helps our customers meet all their material needs from one supplier with transparent and responsive customer service.

Learn more here and contact us to find out how this powerful partnership can help you gain a competitive advantage.