
A Wealth of Team Experience

While the whole team at Star Plastics is celebrating 30 years in business this fall, a good chunk of the company’s heartbeat – its employees – are also toasting to their own milestones. More than a dozen employees have worked at Star Plastics for at least 20 years, and President Doug Ritchie couldn’t feel more blessed. “Good employees are the lifeblood of our successful business, and I feel very blessed to have so many senior employees on our team.”

Ritchie attributes many of Star’s strengths to these employees; their proven experience makes the business more responsive to change and customer needs. Longevity in Star’s employees helps maintain stability within the company, and allows new employees to be mentored in good and safe work practices.

“It’s so rewarding to me, personally, to know that I have team members devoted to taking care of customers, and committed to the vision and direction of the business,” says Ritchie.

To commemorate our excellent team and their dedication to Star, we gathered a few quotes, thoughts, and lessons learned from the people who represent us best – our alumni of 20+ years. Their responses should put a smile on your face.

  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever given or received?
    o “Life is way too short. Slow down and enjoy it.” – Mike M.
    o “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” – Tim L.
    o “What’s hers is hers and what’s yours is hers.” – Jason S.
    o “Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you quit, try.” – Luke S.
    o “Follow through with your word. Don’t create broken promises.” – Lora C.
    o “If you want something, work to achieve it and you’ll appreciate it more.” – Norm F.
  • What do you enjoy most about working at Star?
    o “The people.” – Jeff D.
    o “The people.” – Norm F.
    o “The people. The family atmosphere is priceless.” – Luke S.
    o “The relationships with coworkers.” – Mike M.
    o “The family style atmosphere. No matter the situation we are faced with, there are people here to either assist in the solving of a crisis or celebrating of a victory.” – Jason S.
    o “Watching the company continue to grow in different ways.” – Mike W.
    o “My work family. I have a very close bond with so many.” – Lora C.
  • Where can we find you when you’re not working?
    o “Spending time with my family and working with our horses.” – Tim L.
    o “Not far from home.” – Mike W.
    o “Traveling to see family.”- Luke S.
    o “Doing yard work, working in flowers, and playing with my grandson, Jackson!” – Lora C.
    o “Fishing, hunting, shooting, or a combination of all three.” – Norm F.
  • If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    o “In the Amazon, fishing.” – Jeff D.
    o “Ireland.” – Mike M.
    o “Alaska.” – Tim L.
    o “Northern Wisconsin.” – Luke S.
    o “Ireland.” – Roger J.
    o “Rota, Spain with my wife, a bottle of wine, and a beautiful sunset.” – Norm F.
  • What are you most passionate about in your work?
    o “Ensuring customer satisfaction.” – Jason S.
    o “The success of the employees balanced with the success of the company.” – Luke S.
    o “Having the chance to keep things running as smoothly as possible.” – Roger J.
  • What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?
    o “Hunting and fishing.” – Jeff D.
    o “With my fiancée.” – Mike M.
    o “Spending time with the family.” – Jason S.
    o “On the road exploring the world.” – Roger J.
  • What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in life?
    o “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” – Mike M.
    o “Do not take one second for granted and don’t sweat the small stuff because life is way too short.” – Jason S.
    o “Respect.” – Luke S.
    o “Live your days to the fullest. One act of kindness towards others can go such a long way.” – Lora C.


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