
Safety is Our Priority

Since Star Plastics was first established in 1988, safety has been our main priority. No Time Lost means our employees work in a secure environment that poses almost no risk to their safety. By focusing on safety protocols in the workplace, we help our customers by delivering the quality material and services they need. All of this is possible through weekly check-ins with our team members, as well as Environmental, Health, and Safety (EH&S) walkthroughs. These happen every shift at all Star Plastics locations to keep our team members updated with safety protocols and help mitigate risks before they occur.

Safety in the workplace

Star Plastics goes by the “5 Whys” of root cause analysis when it comes to safety. We review the root cause of our why’s consistently in our weekly check-ins to look for the problems in any situation. Doing so helps our team communicate their concerns, whether they be environment, health, or safety-related, so we never experience an event deemed as a threat to our employees. Our training is hands-on, which enables employees to work through problems and ask questions as they go through each “why”. Creating an open platform for our team members to assess potentially high-risk situations helps the entirety of the group understand how to avoid or diminish future problems.

At Star Plastics, we communicate that safety is everyone’s responsibility, and we look out for each other to ensure high-risk incidents don’t arise. Our reasoning is simple: if something is not safe to do, we look for an alternative solution to make sure we as a team can do it safely.

The top three safety goals set for our workplace are “Zero Recordables, Zero Lost Time, and Increase Near Miss Reporting”. We accomplish these goals by continuing our “No lost time incidents” streak, which has been going strong for over 1,300 days. When manufacturing equipment is analyzed in an EH&S walkthrough – from marking out isolation points and key hazards to making the equipment hazards apparent  ̶  we are keeping our team informed about potential safety risks. Pointing out problems and understanding the reason behind them is how we promote safer work environments. When the environment employees are surrounded by is monitored, it develops a sense of security for them. This creates an organization that is “fast, flexible, and flawless when it comes to product outcome with our customers,” as stated by Star Plastics CEO Don Wiseman.

Safety in the workplace all comes down to keeping teams efficiently working in their environment while mitigating high-risk situations. Maintaining safety promotes production and happy workers, which then leads to satisfied customers. Starting at the source of a potential hazard reduces likely danger and encourages efficiency in finding solutions. Star Plastics will continue our commitment of ensuring our employees can come into work and do their jobs without fear of injury.

If you’d like to learn more about how Star Plastics creates safety in the workplace, check out our website or contact a Star Representative today!