Datasheets Search

Datasheets SEARCH

Below is a list of our products, along with their Technical Data Sheets, Material Safety Data Sheets, UL Cards, and REACH and RoHS Compliance Documents. Click the respective icon to download the product’s specific information.

Reach and RoHS Compliance

Regulatory documents
REACH is an EU regulation that places restrictions on the chemicals found in products. It is an acronym for “Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals.” RoHS is an EU directive that bans the use of 10 chemicals in electrical and electronic equipment. It stands for “Restriction oHazardous Substances.”

reNova® re-PCR-FR2119(f1)

Molding Grade PCFR, PFAS Free with Elevated RTI’s and (f1)

reNova® re-PCR-FR2118

reNova® re-PCR-FR2117(f1)

Molding Grade PCFR, PFAS Free with Elevated RTIs and (f1)

Orion® PC7232(f1)

Molding Grade: PCFR, PFAS Free w/ UV and Release, All Colors

Orion® PC7231

Molding Grade: PCFR, PFAS Free w/ UV and Release, All Colors