
Key Customer has Successful Visit to Star Plastics

RAVENSWOOD, WV– At the beginning of June, a long term and key customer of Star Plastics had a successful visit to Star Plastics’ Ravenswood plant. Mike Watson, Chief Asia officer and 28-year veteran of Star, gave the three customer representatives a tour of various lines in the plant, and a focused visit of the lab.

The three representatives have plastics-related experience, but not about the details of plastics, testing, and testing-based performance. The Star team explained the process of compounding and quality control, from when the material is formulated in the lab through its manufacturing on the plant floor. The group spent over an hour observing tests and the corresponding material performance information in the lab, allowing them to understand what the data means for the plastics with which they interact. Armed with this expanded knowledge of plastics properties, these Star customers could head back to their company, ready to solve their own customer issues, mold parts more efficiently, or make cost-effective material decisions.

“It was a very successful meeting based on the reps’ comments,” said Director of Sales Chuck Hoop. “They even confirmed an order on site of 2 TL’s a month of PC!” Star Plastics plans on expanding this learning process further, and to customers and interested potential contacts.

Customers visit Star Plastics for a plant tour several times per quarter and always find the visit worthwhile. While a sale is a welcomed result of a visit, “the education of the customer is key,” said Hoop. Plant visits allow customers to see Star’s processing and quality-check procedures in action; they can understand first-hand why Star’s quality is high and why the material we sell performs consistently order after order.

To schedule a visit to Star Plastics and to learn more about our high quality products, testing and process, contact us at