
Manufacturing Day 2021

What Does Manufacturing Day Mean to Star Plastics?

On October 1st, manufacturers will be coming together to educate and promote the manufacturing industry to thousands of companies and educational institutions around the country. Manufacturing Day is meant to inspire community leaders, students, teachers, and parents to open their minds to the opportunities that can come from the manufacturing industry. Star Plastics is participating in thisevent by bringing awareness of the opportunities and career paths students and community members can take part in, particularly in their home state of West Virginia.    

Manufacturing and Careers

At Star Plastics, we want to educate our audience about the manufacturing industry. Specifically, we want to shine a light on people’s common misconceptions about the industry itself and explain the opportunities available to people from all walks of life. In West Virginia, the economy – due to manufacturing exports has brought in $3.01 billion in manufactured goods as well as $1.52 billion with the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) in 2020, according to the West Virginia Manufacturers Association

Manufacturing creates jobs, not only in the warehouse but also in the corporate realm. West Virginia’s manufacturing industry  employs 7.01%  of the state’s workforce today. Star Plastics is a part of that percentage by offering a wide range of career opportunities, including:  

  • Management  
  • Sales  
  • Customer Service  
  • Purchasing  
  • Operations 

We provide multiple career opportunities, as well as other high-level programs that create educational opportunities for the manufacturing industry. Not only do these opportunities create a fresh perspective, but they also create a foundation for future generations of manufacturers to enter the workforce.  

According to the National Association of Manufacturing:  

  • The output of manufacturing rose to $7.94 billion in 2019, which is an uptick to the industry’s production of goods.  
  • In 2020, manufacturing was included in the top three industries with job growth opportunities in West Virginia:  
    • Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing jobs grew by 32.4%  
    • Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments Manufacturing jobs grew by 11.1%  
    • Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing jobs grew by  9.8%  
    • In 2020, West Virginia employed 47,000 people in the manufacturing industry, with annual compensation starting at $74,726.77.  

At Star Plastics, we focus on the resin and plastics industry, which overall brought in $318.3 million in 2019. With our participation in Manufacturing Day, Star Plastics will be giving back to our local community and creating a foundation for future generations to enter the manufacturing workforce. As taken from one of our customer service leaders, their experience in the manufacturing industry has made a positive impact on their career and opened their perspective on the industry itself and its importance:

“I did not plan to go into manufacturing… I was eventually promoted and that’s where I gained so much knowledge in manufacturing and knew this was something I wanted to continue in.” They knew after their first job experience in the industry how vast the markets were and how involved they are in everyday products. When it came time to look for a new job, Star offered their next career move.  “When people think of manufacturing, they may just think of the production employees who are on the floor running machines, making product.  When in fact, there are so many more people/depts involved…HR, safety, training, purchasing, customer service, sales, accounting, shipping/receiving, etc.“

The impact of being involved in the manufacturing industry opens so many doors of opportunities for careers, partnerships, and educational experiences for current and upcoming generations. The importance of Manufacturing Day and the people involved in a manufacturing company gives them a voice to discuss the benefits this path brings to one’s personal life and the economy.

FAQ’s about Manufacturing:  

Manufacturing can often have many misconceptions associated with it, but at Star Plastics, we want to show how the industry has changed over the years by breaking through the old mold of what people used to think manufacturing represented.

“Manufacturing is dangerous work.”  

Today, manufacturing has advanced to utilizing the latest high-tech machinery and safety equipment and pursuing the highest cleanliness standards. At Star Plastics, we take pride in providing quality materials and services, as shown in our quality policy. Our lab manufacturers and team leaders hold weekly meetings to discuss continuous improvements and are certified in ISO 9001:2015, which guarantees safety and quality in the workplace. We also maintain safety records per site, tracking days of No Lost Time Accidents.

“You don’t need much skill to be in manufacturing.”  

Having an education and hands-on experience are important in this industry. Star seeks out individuals who are hard-working, critical thinkers, and who believe in providing high-quality solutions to our customers. At Star Plastics, we keep our company culture down-to-earth, but we still provide high-standard working conditions so our employees can create the best solutions for our customers.  

“There’s no growth in the manufacturing industry.”  

Manufacturing in West Virginia employs a large part of the workforce, and there is a 10.07% output due to workers in this industry growing their careers into a profession. 7.01% of people in the state rely on manufacturing for their career.  There are growth opportunities in the industry, and Star Plastics has been a part of adding to the growing percentage:

From one of our Sales account managers, who was presented a career with Star Plastics 2 ½ years ago and noticed the continual change this market provides. “The level of technical knowledge needed and the continual changing market.” This has led her to grow her business skills and help Star Plastics onboard new customers and grow relationships.

Not only at the corporate level, but on the shop floor, our facilities manager of nine years’ experience with design processes of the equipment has grown. He stated “I believe the biggest misconception people have about manufacturing here at Star is the fact that they don’t realize how important their role is, how much of an impact they can make in their role, and that their position matters. We are making materials that our customers need to make everyday products.”

The importance of everyone’s role from on the plant floor to corporate office all work together to build the company. Star Plastics offers abundant opportunities without limitations, so every person has the option to choose the best path for themselves. Manufacturing has evolved safely, sustainably and for the intelligent worker and will continue to do so for years to come.

Star Plastics is proud to take part in Manufacturing Day to reach out and educate inspiring minds about the opportunities they can receive with a career in manufacturing. Not only does manufacturing impact our economy, but it is a component of everything we do and need to live. Bringing attention to the industry that makes everyday products is important for our communities to continue moving the industry in the right direction.  

What Star Plastics Employees Think about Manufacturing

  1. Jodi, Customer Service Leader
    • Years at Star Plastics: 10 years
    • Years in Manufacturing: 12 years
    • I think the thing that surprises me is the longevity of people’s employment…a lot of people have spent most of their career at Star, and that is such a “selling” point when introducing Star to potential new customers. 
  2. John S., Laboratory Manager
    • Years at Star/Manufacturing: 11 years
    • I am most surprised/impressed by our team’s ability to adapt to challenges and overcome them, especially considering we are a relatively small close-knit team.
  3. Brandon, Purchasing Coordinator
    • Years at Star Plastics: 7 years
    • Years in Manufacturing: 9 years
    • The amount (or lack thereof) plastic in everyday items.
  4. Jon L., Facilities Manager
    • Years at Star/Manufacturing: 9 years
    • When I came to Star, I had no idea that a company sitting right here in my neighborhood had such a large global presence.  Also, in a short amount of time, everyone felt like family.
  5. Lora, Tolling Coordinator
    • Years in Star/Manufacturing: 29 years
    • The family atmosphere that was and has been obtained since my first day.
  6. Joy, Inventory Control Specialist
    • Years at Star/ Manufacturing: 2 years
    • I enjoy walking the floor to make sure everything is where it should be. I thought manufacturing would be only for men, but it isn’t. What surprised me about Star is that people treat you like family.
  7. Melanie, Inside Sales Account Manager
    • Years at Star Plastics: 2 ½ years
    • Years in Manufacturing: 10 years prior to star
    • The level of technical knowledge needed and the continually changing market.
  8. Josh, Production Manager
    • Years at Star/Manufacturing: 1year
    • I thought it would’ve been more of a non-personal environment only caring about quality and quantity. But here, Star cares about the individual and their safety above all else.
  9. Jonathan A., Lab Technician
    • Worked at Star/Manufacturing: 11 months
    • I though manufacturing would consist of long and laborious hours, but it is so much more, and Star has such far reach in the industry.
  10. Tim, Lead
    • Years at Star/Manufacturing: 2 years
    • There is a sense of accomplishment with completing goals on time and the camaraderie with coworkers is great.

If you have any questions about the manufacturing industry or want to learn more about what Star Plastics does, check out our website or contact a Star representative with questions today!  

Interested in starting your career at Star? Contact our HR department or view our open positions on LinkedIn.