
A Letter from Doug on COVID-19

Star Plastics Updates Regarding the Global Pandemic


 As the COVID-19 is changing the world around us, we believe as long as we all pull together, we will get through and come out stronger. Here at Star, we are committed to the health and wellness of our employees, their families, and the local community—and to serving you. 

To that end, Star Plastics is putting safety measures in place to ensure we are doing as much as we can to mitigate this global emergency. 

  • Limiting all non-essential business travel and face-to-face meetings
  • Restricting facility access to Star personnel only
  • Implementing remote work among our sales and customer service teams 

And of course, we are encouraging employees with any flu-like symptoms to remain at home to reduce potential spread of the virus.

We have not identified any disruptions within our supply chain and are working closely with our vendors to ensure the production of the Star products you know at the quality level you expect. We will continue to serve our customers the best we can without interruption on production orders and on-time deliveries. 

The Star Plastics Leadership Team will continue to monitor global developments of the virus through the CDC and communicate any updates on the situation as they emerge. As always, we are committed to providing the best possible service to you under these challenging circumstances.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to your Star account manager or customer service representative. Thank you for your business and continued partnership with Star Plastics.

 With Best Regards,

Doug Ritchie

President & CEO